Saturday, May 24, 2008

That was the weekend my brother probably waited for as long as 27 years and why will he not wait? It was the last weekend he will be single.

That weekend was very important to me because the week ahead would test my character as an individual. The managerial skills that I possess, the way I support my family in resolving issues during crunch situations, the path I tread where I would strike balance between the dos and the don’ts to mitigate the risk of the inflation of small petty issues to an inappropriate proportion which cannot be handled alone.
It all started at my office where I needed to attend a meeting on Friday evening which I would not skip coz it might cause small problems in the future. I managed to book an air-ticket on Saturday morning rather than boarding a bus. On Friday, with all the excitement I took sweets to the offices, which were completed within a flash. Because I had to attend the meeting, I had plans of spending the night at the airport. The news of the meeting being postponed to the following week was a bit of surprise along with disappointment. Meanwhile my plans of staying in the airport got a serious hit when I came to know that I may not be allowed into the airport that night with my flight being early in the morning. I decided risking the stay at the airport, but was advised not to do that just for the sake of a night's sleep. I booked a cab to pick me up early in the morning to the airport and reached my place. I had thoughts of a small nap but was denied of that because of my friends who talked to me all night and later on I watched TV and finally went to sleep at 2 AM. I was not having a happy sleeping experience as I had tuned my mind to wakeup early. At 4.45 my phone rang and it was the CAB driver who was early by 30 min. I was rather dissatisfied with that guy for coming so early. I boarded the cab and we reached the airport in 20 min. I received a call from the man I least expected a call from at that time and guess who... it was CMK who was calling because he was suffering from a kind of INSOMNIA because of his off-late workaholic status. I boarded the flight which did not meet my expectations in both the cases of the airhostess and the food. It was in the flight where I had the "best" breakfast. I also had a cup of coffee along with the breakfast which never seemed like one.
I reached home with my DAD and was thinking of a small nap for about 2 hours. MOM was waiting for me eagerly as she could rely on me for petty works. She was ready for the ceremony which was scheduled later in the day at my sis-in-law's (SIL) house. In fact she was waiting for my aunts. I was told to bring flowers and sweets that need to be taken as a formality. We left to their house in our car along with GNC's car. We had reached there in all glee. We wanted to gift her bouquet and were coming out of the cellar of the apartment complex. I did not notice the column behind and went directly into it and to my horror it all happened in front of all the family. The dent on the rear side was big and the problem was that car was planned to be the "BAARATH CAR"(the car used to bring the newly wedded couple home). The program went fine and was getting bored and was talking to GNC about the car and the time it’s gonna take to get it done. Meanwhile we were also assigned a task to hire a car, rather a four wheeler for the week on rental basis. We were told about a place where we can hire vehicles. So we decided to go to that place in the mean time. We finished the work and on our way back we also enquired about the time required to get the car repaired. The only concern was that we will lose the main mode of transport without the car. We came back the function place and I started having lunch. I was told to drop my aunt in the middle of the lunch amidst a chaotic situation which I couldn’t understand at that moment. I felt some kind of unrest brewing there but was unaware of what was going on. After the function we started back to our home and to my surprise a car was sent for my family which was quite a surprise for me. We reached home and I was accompanied with one my aunts who told me a small incident which happened in my absence. That was the time when I felt that the moments I awaited were finally there.
We went back home and I was planning to have some rest. I was told that I need to accompany PAK for the rest of the day. The rest of the program was decided after he arrived. After a slight delay at his place, we started to the bride's home as he wanted to meet my SIL in person, which was actually scheduled 3 hours before. My bro asked me to talk to my SIL about the incident that occurred in the morning, which I managed pretty well as far as I knew with my so-called talent. We completed all the formalities and started to the airport where we had to collect his luggage which was delayed by one whole day. With some amount of difficulty we got the baggage. We later had plans of shopping which never happened. We later went to a restaurant with my bro and the new cousins. We had dinner and started back home. During the dinner my bro talked to AJ for about half an hour. I was not bothered about the issue, so did not even try to enquire. We started back home and reached at 11.30 PM. That day was completed amidst all the excitement which lied before us the following week.

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