Saturday, May 24, 2008

* Conditions apply..
It was on Friday when I decided that I will provide SUPPORT (come to office) on Sunday coz I wanted to watch a movie on Saturday. It was a fun-filled morning as usual on Saturday. I woke up at 7.30 where the sky was gloomy with full of clouds which I thought was a respite to the daily early morning heat I encounter. One of my friends brought breakfast which I had while watching a movie in my laptop. We decided that we would start for the movie, which was scheduled at 12.30, at 12.00. To my surprise we started on time and my luck continued show some early signs with a traffic jam for around 30 min. We reached the theatre at 12.45 and was in my own nostalgic world all trough out the movie. It took me some time to come back to my excited state, which I was in for about 3 weeks. I was back to my own best with some satires on friends and abusing the so-called “purposeful days”. It as drizzling all along till 6. We went to a shopping mall where some of my friends bought some clothes for themselves. We had fun there also, on the escalator, with Ice-cream, with golf-club. Finally back to the den after a typical Andhra-mess dinner amidst all the rain which was pouring down heavily.
I had a tablet and went back to sleep early coz I had to attend office the next morning….I know I know.. it is a SUNDAY morning. The cab guy woke me up in his own usual style in ENGAMIL (English+Tamil), that’s what I would like to call that). The street where I live was flooded with drainage and rain water. I had to ask the guy to come and pick me up at my door-step and couldn’t convey that which was quite normal for me during these 3 months of morning shift. I was lucky enough that a guy who knew Tamil woke-up and told him the address. I got into the cab and started to the office in the rain. I was stunned by the roads, OOOPS sorry pools all around us through out the route which I trace everyday in the cab to reach office. I am finally there in office planning to have some solitary fun in the module. The work was all there in its own place. And at 9.30, I was surprised to see that all the work had to be suspended early because of maintenance which would usually be for 2-3 hrs. At 10.00 I learnt that the maintenance was for 8 hours, which means that I will literally have no work for the next 8 hrs. I messaged my senior reg. the status and awaited his call for 40 min. I decided to wake him up with my call was frustrated to see that I was in a HOLE (place which had no coverage). I tried different places in the building to call him but all the effort was in vain. Finally, I called from the office landline and informed him about the status of the work and told him that I would come back at 5.30PM. He agreed to that and informed the cab supervisor that I need a cab at 5.30. I went back home and was full of jealousy, cant really say that, but was kinda that to see all my room mates just rising from the bed. I talked to my friend online and planned to go out for lunch. We started to have lunch which the RAINGODS had different plans. We ordered some food and waited for 1.5 hrs, usually 30 min, to find out that some of the food is missing form the order. My friends waited for that food for one more hour. I decide to take a nap for 1 hr and attend office. The RAINGODS were relentless through out and I dropped my plans of going back to office. I informed my supervisor the same and he asked me to inform Onsite regarding the status. I thought of going to the nearby office and call them but I couldn’t even put a step out in the rain so immense was the pouring down. Then I had a brilliant idea and called from SKYPE (software used to call phone from PC using the VOIP technology) using my brother’s US account. I was content that I need not go to office in rain. Then we friends had non-stop fun through out till 1.00 AM. It was 5.55AM and the routine has started as far as the Monday morning goes. HAVOC struck yet again although the sky was opening up, coz I was stuck in a cab breakdown where we hit a pothole. Reached office 1 hour late and back to work.

Now you might be wondering whats the title and what written above… how they match!!!!!!! U can infer what are the conditions that need to apply for the statement to be apt.

Ok guys….. WORK’s calling……..see you soon.

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