Sunday, January 10, 2010

To all of u who are following/reading this thread.... If u r in AP....U have turned to the right medium of expressing ur opinions. Switch on the TV, there is not a single program that u can watch for more than 30 min. hve u ever thought y? We have come from the DD days, where we used to sit b4 TV for very long time and not getting bored. Nowadays I, "I better use the word I for some obvious reasons", I feel restless to sit b4 TV coz my mindset wants a fast changing channel and we land up at NEWS channel. Y are we so restless? y dont we talk to our parents/relatives/frenz in a polite manner. Y r we frustrated always? Is it our destiny to be frustrated? Y on earth we let politicians say what they r saying? Is there a viable solution for this? The answer is yes. Try to laugh at the silliest joke of ur family/colleague. Try to be funny in every situation. Laughter is the medicine to all the problems in this world!

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