Friday, October 31, 2008

Adventure from home to HYDERABAD DECCAN
Thanks to iPhone that i cud write all this!!!!

Started as usual at 5.30 from home to Nampally station. Decided to go to sec'bad instead coz of availability of bus service from home. Forgot abt my luck. Then came a bus which was relatively full with quite a few standing inside. Blame it on my luck or my decision making ability I left that bus. For a moment forgot that's the best option I had i.e to board that bus. Realized that the buses would be full later coz it's Monday and office timings. Waited till 5.45, then decided to go to Nampally. Immediately took an auto. It all starts here. Even now I thought I wud make it well b4 time. We(auto n me) crossed Nalgonda X road and confronted a jam as usual. We reached the race course x road and the auto driver pulled aside saying that the auto has a problem and cannot make it to the station. It was around 5.50 by this happened. I was carrying only 100s. Had to waste 5 min there looking for change. Had to buy a waterbottle to find change. By then the traffic started moving slowly. Looked for another auto and obviously u cud guess that right- found none. Took a bus to Nampally. Took the ticket. Reached Chaderghat by 6.00-6.05. Alighted the bus after deciding to take an auto which would help atleast to reach. Believed the "hyderabad" auto driving skills could only help me now. All this time my brain was thinking of the run I needed to make to catch the station, typically filmi ;). Went to an auto which was standing and asked he could take me. 'Welcome chennai' the guy demanded 60/-, typical style of chennai auto drivers to demand high for small distances. And I being a typical hyderabadi rejected and was looking for another. To my rescue there was a saviour (can't help calling that). The twist was the meter was not working and he asked me to suggest the rate. I asked me in turn and he suggested 35/-I did not negotiate on that. I asked him to take the route Afzalgunj-feelkhana-market. He told that it's long and instead told me that the traditional route was better and the jam we are looking at is gonna last for a few min and told that we would reach in time to Nampally. I had to trust his instincts so agreed what he had to say. If u can guess the next twist U r reading my luck straight. If u think that I was stuck there in the jam and getting frustated thn HAAHAA u r wrong mite! Typically Australian huh? Blame that on what I did the whole day(cricket). As predicted by my saviour there was no jam. We cruised thru till Jambagh. Thr was a small traffic jam which was a small hiccup and proceeded to the station. Meanwhile the driver asked me if i had the change to give him. For a moment I wondered what my luck had for me in store. But it did not desert me now(twist huh!) We reached the station by 6.25. That's typically me :0. He bought himself some bananas to cater the change. Gave him the remaining amount. Got out of the auto and started running. It was 6.27 by the time I reached the platform 3 and saw that the train was on the other platform. Hurried to the footover bridge. If ur brain Is thinking then I wud be running like Bolt in ur imaginations. Reached the platform at ????. I know that u know it by now. Expecting a twist in the tale?then u r lucky enuf to have one. Guess what!!!! I boarded the running train and went straight to my seat no. to see that it's already occupied. Thanks to railways new 9 seating arrangement per section my seat no. was relocated. Found the right one after checking the charts in sec'bad.Adhi story....... Ika chaalu get back to what u were doing b4. I am in the train now typing all this munching "Good day" which is what I had thanks to my luck anyways :0.

1 comment:

Ravi...! said...

keeka..... kummmu mama.... ninnu minchina vadu lenee ledu kada..... super undi story..... typical sanjeev gadi story